Glazed Fire Protection Systems

Glazed Fire Protection Systems

ZAI is committed to the development and advancement of best practice in the fabrication, testing, specification, application and installation of fire-resistant glazed systems. Our goal is to work with the wider fire safety community to achieve the optimum fire protection in our buildings. Our target is to develop best practice for fire-resistant glazed systems.We will seek to meet our objectives by bringing together and making available the latest expert advice of those who work with fire-resistant glazed systems. We will also lead the industry in the development and application of the most appropriate best practice relevant to such systems.All systems are provided through our certified international network of manufacturers and system providers. We are able to offer a comprehensive range of specialized fire rated glass products, with the advantages of applying quality assured installation.

Fire Separation

  • Prevent the spread of fire /contain the fire.
  • Reason?
  • Prevent or minimize Damage,Injury and Loss of Life
  • Maintaining the integrity of the Building
  • Delay the fire and gain time to escape the building.
  • Keep escape routes passable.